im not sure i really want there to be anything left behind once im gone, ive always thought i would be happy in the presence of angels and everyone else would carry on living their lifes, maybe with an odd picture to reminisce over or a song that i was always renowned to sing.
but i guess crying and stressing over something that should be simple, isnt going to help! i started to think about all the things that are positive about me and the aspects of life that i enjoy?!?
if i really stop thinking about it - and feel the fear - my ultimate goal would be 'to make the world a better place'. whether that sounds corny or not. i strive for others to be better off and to feel safe. ive been told i care a lot about people and some people maybe too much but why see that as bad thing?!
im always one for a list so i guess compiling all the things that i want to include and all the 'talents' i have should be a great place to start.
2. some kind of song that reflects me or my ambition
3. fair trade aka fair jade
4. some kind of physical theatre piece
5. influential people and/or places....
this list will continue im sure but for now i will start at the top and go out with my trusty camera and start snapping
everywhere i go by lissie
You definitely can't go wrong with fair jade. x