Tuesday, 21 June 2011

something nice

check these bad boys out!
today i bought a new pair of converse...they are unique as they are labeled slightly wrong, but i love them all the same and dont think i want to change them even though they dont match. > > > > > >

today i also bonded with my sister over cutlery. yes cutlery... you see for dinner i was having roasted veg and whilst they were cooking the cutlery was placed on the side ready for use. anyway dani,one of my sisters, picked them up gave me a look and got into position and said 'lets do the parent trap' ( for those who may not know what that is it is a film and in a section of it the step mum feels paranoid that a bear or some creature is going to get her she stars wacking sticks together to get them away, so yeah we re-created this moment for our own amusment ! anyway she began to move across the room tinging the knife and fork....

and off course i joined in

Friday, 10 June 2011

ive finally conquered a vampire?!

the book i started this time last year...

well i said it wouldnt be long before i blogged again and i come baring good news :)

last night i had an early night i started to continue reading my steven tyler book and then i realised my twilight book was sitting in my abandoned drawer two inches away from where i was sprawled... i dared to open the drawer to see exactly how much i had left remaining to read... to my amazement there were just two chapters.

i looked at my clock and set myself the task of finishing it before i feel asleep... my eyes were sore and itchy but i wanted to accomplish my fear of actually finishing a book... you see i hate things coming to an end and by finishing a book your letting a story end, which is obvious i guess. but i thought about the pros and cons and an hour later the book was closed and finished.

i didnt want to rush it and i guess an hour isnt classed as rushing ...but this is me and i was very tired.

Yay i have ticked one thing off my summer list... well kind of ...

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

my summer has started and with a ... list

its been a while since i last blogged and its taken me a while to think of something worthwhile to say...

so my summer 2011 has already started and i wanted to take advantage of all the free time i had to enjoy doing the things i dont get enough time to do during the academic year. i thought the best way to find the 'things' was to write a list... i do like lists they give me order and a chance to order them in importance. 

not a kids bike - whoops a daisy im a twerp

so anyway here is the list, that i guess could realistically be longer:

1. buy an adults bike with a basket, and ride it.
2. take tones of GOOD photos
3.keep a note of all the important and arty things that i do, much like a logbook/commonplace book - the time that i dont need to keep one i choose too ! ... well it makes sense to me
4. start new art projects
5. relax and stop worrying ... which is proving difficult
6. go on walks and adventures in the woods
7. picnics ... lots of them, with real lemonade
8. get healthy
9. educate myself with films... already watched about three - which is extremely impressive for me.
10.read books...and actually finish one (at least) ... biography's count right ?! I WILL FINISH TWILIGHT.

outside and picture time with jumper of L

11. listen to more music
12. spend time with more people
13. go to camden
14. go to my first festival
15. learn to play the guitar again
16. write my own song
17. sing ... wont be hard ( but i want to sing country)
18. not fear my birthday...
19.enjoy the sun and make the most of it